Entrepreneurship Consult is a comprehensive booking service designed specifically for entrepreneurs seeking expert guidance and advice. With our platform, you can easily schedule consultations with experienced professionals who specialize in various aspects of entrepreneurship. Whether you need help with business planning, marketing strategies, financial management, or any other entrepreneurial challenge, our service has you covered. Take the first step towards realizing your business goals by booking a consultation with one of our trusted advisors through Entrepreneurship Consult.

  • Category: Business
  • Service Duration: 01:30 Hours
  • Address: Lilongwe, Malawi (Map)
  • More Info: P.O. Box 1470
  • Price:Free



We support our customers in the actual work of developing business plans that are responsive to their market opportunities as well as competition. We also help our SME customers identify revenue expansion strategy options to increase sales and market growth strategies. 

We assist SME clients in business positioning for long term acquisition, and enable them deal with all kinds of business processes due to growth complexities, and turnaround strategies.

We are very flexible and can be reached by texting, phone calls, social media, and we do not limit our communication to office hours only. We do the work, rather than just make recommendations.